
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Samsung Vibrant Inaccurate Battery Icon Fix

It seems that the Samsung Vibrant's battery icon is inaccurate which can be annoying when your down to your last bit of juice and your phone cuts off due to wrong battery reading. 
To fix it at first, I downloaded a widget that sat on my homescreen and told me the true battery reading.  I found this to be annoying and waste of screen space. While browsing the XDA forums (a blessing to smartphone users everywhere), I found a remedy to the inaccurate battery icon problem and think that the new icon looks much more appealing.

This is directly quoted from THIS THREAD. I take none of the credit for creating this.  All credit should go to the respected devs like zimphishmonger and others over at XDA!

[MOD] Blue Circle & Segmented Green Battery with Accurate % (2 versions) - 8/30/10

This mod was originally created for the HTC Desire, but thanks to a lot of people's hard work and collaboration, we now have a clockwork-compatible version for our Vibrant. Besides modifying the original battery images, this mod required major modification to several XML files, which now allows us to specify a specific image for EACH percentage. In essence, instead of having 5 battery icons (0%, 20%, 40%, etc), we now have over 100, including the charging and charged images. The end result: our battery meter is now extremely accurate, down to the exact percentage, and you can modify the battery images to suit your own visual tastes. Feel free to use and modify the below zip files as you please, but please give credit where it is due.

Also, this mod is currently only available as an Stericson, the developer of MetaMorph, is working on a slight modification to the app which will allow us to create a metamorph of this mod, making it even easier to customize your battery.

WARNING: ALWAYS make a nandroid backup prior to installing any modification, including this one. You are making the decision to install this on your own, and I am not responsible for anything nuclear that may happen to your device.

Install Instructions:
1. Copy your preferred version of the battery mod to the root of your Internal SD (Clockwork cannot see the External SD).
2. Reboot into Clockwork Recovery
3. Flash your chosen
4. Reboot and Enjoy!

- Ive attached two versions and a revert to this post, Huge Thanks to the3dman13, and everyone who helped get this working.

UPDATE 8/17/2010: I got a version to work in Clockwork Recovery. Those are now the only versions attached. I am working on getting MetaMorph versions work as well. Enjoy and please leave feedback!
Update: 8/30/10: Vibrant7 REMOVED till issues fixed, working on Vibrant Hybrid version
Update: 9/12/10: Incompatible with the new leaked "T-959UVJI2" T-Mobile firmware. Will get a working versions when we have Update.zips for it (I hate ODIN-only releases)

To download the green or blue versions go to the official thread (RIGHT HERE) and scroll through the first post until you get to the section that looks like this:

Attached Files
File Type: zip Segmented Battery Green - Clockwork - (3.44 MB, 670 views)
File Type: zip Circular Battery Blue - Clockwork - (3.67 MB, 939 views)
File Type: zip (3.33 MB, 318 views)

You may have to register to download if your not already a member.  Honestly if your reading this, you probably own a Windows Mobile or Android powered device and should be doing yourself a favor and already have been a member.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments section. 

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